/* * This file is in the public domain. */ #ifndef _HUMAN_ERRNO_H_ #define _HUMAN_ERRNO_H_ #define ETOOLAZY 101 /* Operation too cumbersome */ #define EINCONVENIENT ETOOLAZY /* Defined for portability */ #define EBORING 102 /* Operation timed out */ #define ETLDR 103 /* Information overload */ #define EFORGOT 104 /* Cache miss */ #define ENOCLUE 105 /* Persistent lookup failure */ #define EBIKESHED 106 /* Endless loop */ #define EGROUPTHINK 107 /* Erroneous consensus */ #define ENOTIT 108 /* Indirect assignment */ #define EIKEA 109 /* Can't delete my own work */ #define ENIH 110 /* Import failure */ #define ELMGTFY 111 /* Indirect cache miss */ #define ESNAFU 112 /* Unexpected status quo */ #define ESEP 113 /* Insufficient pay grade or deferred responsibility */ #define ENOTENOUGHPI 114 /* Insufficient amount of pie */ #define ENOCOFFEE 115 /* Energy starvation */ #define EPEBKAC 116 /* User error */ #define EWUTANG 117 /* Ruckus applied, unfuckwithably */ #define ECOMPILING 118 /* Interrupted distraction */ #define EGITHUB 119 /* Distributed SPOF */ #define EGITPUB 120 /* Information disclosure */ #define EMEETING 121 /* Inefficient interrupt */ #define EMAIL 122 /* Inefficient persistent interrupt */ #define ETYOP 123 /* Input error */ #define EBOFH 124 /* Access denied */ #define EYOLO 125 /* Failsafe disabled */ #define EASLEEP 126 /* Process temporarily suspended */ #define EIANAL 127 /* Unfunded speculation */ #define EPLUSONE 128 /* Pointlessly pending review */ #define ESLOPPY 129 /* Forced completion */ #define EWELLACTUALLY 130 /* Superflous commentary */ #define EPERL 131 /* Incorrect number of $@%{ */ #define EJAVA 132 /* Errno exception factory */ #define EPYTHONG 133 /* Universal Freudian slip */ #define EPHP 134 /* Fubar */ #define ERMFR 135 /* Self-inflicted DoS */ #define EWIKI 136 /* Information retrieval impossible */ #define EBROOKS 137 /* Too many developers */ #define EBOBBYTABLES 138 /* Command injection */ #define EUNICORN 139 /* Inflated self-evaluation */ #define ESTACKOVERFLOWN 140 /* Misunderstood copy and paste */ #define ESLACKED 141 /* Information disclosure as a Service */ #define EDGAF 142 /* Mental resource exhaustion */ #endif /* !_HUMAN_ERRNO_H_ */

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